I am starting something new and wonderful on my Jewel Kade blog. Each month I will feature my latest favest charm that excites me and offer it to one of my devoted followers. All you gotta do is comment letting me know Personally Charming is on your blog list, that you're following me, or that you've got my widgey! Then you'll be put in a random drawing for the charm of the month. Pretty cool, eh? (Oh, and if you already own it, you can pick something from the catalog of equal value.)
So what charm excites me this month? Nothing other than "Lucky Mom 24/7." What can I say? I love being a mom. LOVE. IT. My kids mean the world to me, and when I wear this with their birthstones, I feel some kind of special!!!
I will be drawing the name on Friday April 16, so good luck getting charmed!
P.S. Don't let distance keep you from following! Have charms, will ship!!
I'm following! I love the charm! I love YOU! How do I get your widgey- or, where do I get a cute widgey?!
ReplyDeleteMames, thanks for following! I'm trying to figure out how to attach the html to my blog, but so far it just keeps popping up with yet another widgey....check back tomorrow after I have Dan take a look. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are on my blog list! Love the charm!
I follow too! I would love to look at a catalog.
ReplyDeleteI thought I posted a comment, but now sure where it is??? Cute blog Sarah. I'm following you on here. I love your idea and I think the charm is adorable...I'd love to own it :D
ReplyDeleteI'm a total follower and you're on my blog list. web.me.com/svantassell Do you have any more of those shamrock charms? I love those. And I love you. Hugs, girl.
ReplyDeleteWhy not? now following personally charming. pick me pick me! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower! Pick me, pick me!! I'm loving this stuff.
ReplyDeletewell, i love free stuff, so I'm a follower!!! yipee! I just know you'll pick me, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm an official follower :) Love the charm!
ReplyDeleteCute idea Sarah and I love the charms. Looking to add to what I already have. I like what Jilene said...Pick me Pick me Pick me!! I know I will win now. :-)
ReplyDeleteOn my blog list and a follower. Maybe I need to make people start following me and Scentsy! :)
ReplyDeleteLove your jewelry! My friend Mamie sent me to your blog...maybe she should get a double entry.
ReplyDeleteMarche99--thanks for entering! What a good idea for giving Mamie a double entry! I will do that for anyone who sends friends here. :)
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!
ReplyDeleteI am an official follower now.
ReplyDeleteYou are on my blog list too.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I have been resisting the whole jewelry craze thing of late. I'm not a huge jewelry wearer.....yet. Maybe this will change my ways.
Thanks for the give-away. :)
I'm a follower, too.
ReplyDeleteYou are on my bloglist!
ReplyDeleteI knew you would be FANTASTIC with this! I'm so happy you signed up! Miss you - it feels like it's been a lifetime since I've seen you! You know whenever you come visit, I'll host a party! So now that I am a follower, I'll atleast get to check in on you more often!
ReplyDeleteI added you to my blog list...hope today's my "lucky" day!
ReplyDeleteI am Sooo a follower! Love the charm...don't we all need a reminder some days that we are SO LUCKY to be moms?
ReplyDeleteAm I took late? The drawing it today. I'M A FOLLOWER:). I don't know anything about this stuff Sarah so feel me in.
ReplyDeleteSuper cute!!! Great job... I am adding you to my blog so I can follow you!
ReplyDeleteHaven't had a chance to come to a party yet but this jewelry is super cute!!
ReplyDeleteHi. My sister Martha Grace told me about your blog and these charms. They are super cute. Hope I win!!!
ReplyDeletebtw, i am following your blog.
ReplyDeleteDitto to all above
ReplyDeleteWidgey's up...pick me pick me.
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteI added you to my blog list, became a fan on Facebook, and added your widget to my blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd I became a follower. Did I miss anything? Because you're awesome.