You gotta admit, it's gorgeous!!


Monday, 8 August 2011

DOUBLE HOSTESS REWARDS in August for Catalog Parties!

If you're here, then it's almost guaranteed you know and love Jewel Kade.  (You are not alone!!!)  You may have even considered hosting a party before.  But with the summer schedules and getting the kiddos back to school, you might have discounted the idea thinking there just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done.

I'm here to help!!!  Catalog parties are an easy way to get what's on your list without having to clean your house or fuss in the kitchen!  And for the month of August only, I'm offering double hostess rewards for anyone who pulls together at least $250 of outside orders (sometimes that could be just one friend!).  That means if you host a party between $250-1000, you'll get 20% FREE ($50-200), anything above $1000 will get you 30% of free jewelry ($300+)!!!

*And here's the kicker:  The person with the highest party total this month over $1000 will receive an additional $100 of jewelry absolutely FREE!!   That means if you have the highest party totalling over $1000, you'll get a minimum of $400 worth of free jewelry of your choice.  What are you waiting for?  You know you have what it takes to pull that off!

The beauty of catalog parties is that you can do this from any location in the USA--I send you the information you need along with order forms and the instructions on how to make it successful.  Throughout the week you then take it to work, school, church, the gym, and see your friends go nuts over the beauty of the jewelry!

Remember, the party must close by Aug 31 to get the double rewards!

Call me, Sarah, at 208-724-7397 and I will get the catalogs in the mail as soon as possible!

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